Reality television personality from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, Chelsie Baham won the crown of Big Brother 26. After winning the reality TV show, she shared her views on multiple aspects of her life and strategy that helped her win the show. Here comes some questions and answers from Chelsea Baham’s Interview, available on YouTube.
Highlights of Chelsea Baham’s Interview
On her Prize Money Plans, she talks about her priority to pay taxes, giving back to her community, donating to her local church’s youth programs, and helping foster kids financially. When asked about her personal treats, she focuses on buying shoes, ice cream, and spending time with her dog. On her Final Game Decisions, she said she would have chosen McKenzie over Cam for final two if she had won the final HOH. She respected McKenzie’s gameplay and felt she deserved second place.
When asked about her strategic gameplay, she convinced Leon during their HOH not to target her, persuaded McKenzie to target her own allies, used selective information sharing as a strategy, built trust through calculated vulnerability, and maintained relationships while withholding crucial information. On her relationship with Cam, she said they developed a close friendship during the show. They also deliberately distanced themselves after Zingbot called attention to their relationship. Moreover, they are just good friends, though leaves door opens for future possibilities.
On Faith and Gameplay Balance, she found it challenging to balance her faith with the game’s deceptive nature. She was managed by compartmentalizing game play from regular house living, in addition, she compared game deception to playing card games with family. Interestingly, she is known for giving “sermons” on live feeds. She sheds light on her personal background by saying he works with foster children. She believes that faith plays a significant role in her life. The BB26 winner is also famous for preaching ‘vulnerability breeds trust’. Surprisingly, the interview concludes with Chelsea giving a final playful “sermon” referencing Proverbs 24:7, celebrating her victory and encouraging self-belief and faith.
Chelsea Baham’s Interview after BB26 finale
Q: What’s going through your mind after becoming the Big Brother champion?
A: “It’s absolutely incredible. Being a huge fan of the show, winning is like a fantasy becoming reality.”
Q: Have you made any plans for the prize money?
A: “The first thing on my list is taking care of taxes. Then, my priority is investing in my community. As for personal treats, I’m thinking of treating myself to some new footwear, indulging in ice cream, and spending quality time with my dog.”
Q: Which specific causes are you planning to support?
A: “My heart is set on supporting my local church, particularly their youth programs since they played such a crucial role in my own development. Additionally, given my work with foster children, I want to establish a fund to help them pursue their dreams without financial constraints.”
Q: What was your reaction to McKenzie selecting you as her finale partner over Cam?
A: “It worked out perfectly. Whether I won that final HOH or lost it, I knew I could use either situation to strengthen my case. Her choosing me just validated my game strategy.”
Q: Had you won the final HOH, who would have been your choice for the finale?
A: “While everyone expected me to pick Cam, my longtime ally, I actually would have chosen McKenzie. We’ve had each other’s backs since day 45, and despite my close friendship with Cam Sullivan Brown, McKenzie’s gameplay deserved that finale spot. I was prepared to take that risk.”
Q: You executed two major strategic moves – swaying Leon’s targeting decision and influencing McKenzie to turn against her allies. How did you accomplish this?
A: “It was surprisingly smooth. My approach with Leah involved presenting clear strategic facts about house numbers, strategically omitting my own threat level. With McKenzie, I emphasized Leah’s threat status while downplaying my own competitive abilities. It was all about selective information sharing.”
Q: What do you think made people trust your judgment so readily?
A: “I built my relationships on the principle that vulnerability creates trust. By sharing certain aspects of myself strategically, I established genuine connections. Though sometimes I wonder if it was my strong social game or others’ weaker gameplay that made it work so well.”
Q: Let’s talk about you and Cam – there’s been speculation about romantic involvement.
A: “The Big Brother house creates intense bonds. Cam and I clicked as friends immediately, and that’s where we stand now. We’ve developed a solid friendship, and we’re open to seeing how that friendship evolves naturally.”

Q: Was your distance from Cam after Zingbot’s comments strategic?
A: “Absolutely! That mischievous Zingbot nearly compromised my strategy! Cam and I discussed it afterward and agreed that creating some space was crucial. The house was already viewing us as a duo, and I wasn’t about to let a perceived showmance derail my game.”
Q: How did you manage to stay true to your faith while playing such a strategic game?
A: “It was definitely challenging. I had to mentally separate game strategy from everyday life in the house. During regular house moments, I could be authentic to my faith, but during game moves, I treated it like any other competitive game where strategy is necessary.”
Q: Any final words of wisdom as the champion?
A: “Here’s my day 91 special: Remember Proverbs 24:7! I manifested this victory from the start. The secret? Keep a positive attitude, maintain self-belief, stay encouraged, and most importantly, keep faith alive. That’s the winning formula!”